Cinema program "Historia Roja" in Kielce
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Runtime: 150 min.
Production: Polska , 2015
Category: war
Release Date: 4 March 2016
Distribution: Kino Świat
Directed by: Jerzy Zalewski
Cast: Krzysztof Zalewski, Wojciech Żołądkowicz, Marcin Kwaśny
FIRST FEATURE FILM CARRIED OUT BY SOLDIERS TRIBUTE cursed. Directed by Jerzy Zalewski - author of the feature films "Black Sun", "bastards" and the documentary "Tata Kazik," "Citizen Poet". The scenario is inspired by the dramatic fate of Mieczysław Dziemieszkiewicz, nicknamed "Swarm" - a young soldier of the Polish underground anti-communist and other Soldiers accursed. In the title role debut on the big screen Krzysztof Zalewski-Brejdygant - talented musician and singer. In the "History Roja" are also :, WOJCIECH ŻOŁĄDKOWICZ ( "closed system"), PETER NOWAK ( "General - the assassination of Gibraltar"), Marcin acid ( "Pilecki") CAROLINA FIRE ( "Inka"), Mariusz Bonaszewski ( " Jack Strong "), Slawomir Orzechowski (" Black Thursday. Janek Wisniewski fell, "" The Dark House ") and Thomas DEDEK (" General Nil ").
Spring 1945 years. 20-year-old Mieczysław Dziemieszkiewicz, nicknamed "Swarm" lost older brother, commanding officer of the National Armed Forces in Mazowsze, who was murdered by Soviet soldiers. He returns to his home and entered the National Military Union. As commander of a partisan unit for the next six years continuing to fight for a free Poland from Soviet invaders, spreading terror among the UB functionaries and collaborators. Communist authorities are doing everything to track down and eliminate the "enemy of the people's power."
Mieczyslaw "swarm" Dziemieszkiewicz in 2007, he was posthumously awarded the Honorary Patron of the film is the President of the Republic of Polish Andrzej Duda.
"They fought after the war with the new Soviet occupiers, knowing that there is a Polish government in London, that the categories of God, Honor, Country is not suspended. Young, like "Swarm" lived mythology War older brothers. They were tired of it. They went to another occupation, as if time in the tag. It is this youth "Roja" should be convincing for today's young audiences. "Swarm" is a Peter Pan, but also Tolkien's Frodo, who knows that he has to carry the ring, but do not really know where, or no where. Or does it bring to our memory? "Jerzy Zalewski, director

Movie trailer: Historia Roja
Your comments
teraz jest moda na patriotyczne bzdury...
Film jest takim amatorskim gniotem, że polecam się na niego wybrać jako na komedię. Kino klasy C przy nim to wyżyny X muzy :D
Od strony rzemiosła filmowego nie wypada ten film najlepiej... Te problemy z realizacją objawiają się w sposobie narracji i montażu. Brakuje tu bardziej dokładnego wykonania niektórych scen. Do połowy filmu widać pewien brak spójności i pójście na skróty. Nie mniej jednak warto zobaczyć ten film, choćby ze względu na tematykę związaną z "Żołnierzami Wyklętymi". Świetna scena z pijanymi ubekami podjeżdżającymi na posterunek. ;) tak szczerze na całości filmu 6/10, lub minus dobry.
Widziałem Roja na pokazach
studyjnych (wersję roboczą).
Film mnie poruszył,
chociaż oczywiście miał pewne
Teraz wybieram się po raz