Cinema program "Des nouvelles de la planete Mars" in Kielce
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"Des nouvelles de la planete Mars"
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Runtime: 101 min.
Production: Francja/Belgia , 2016
Category: comedy
Release Date: 5 May 2017
Distribution: Bomba Film
Directed by: Dominik Moll
Cast: Francois Damiens, Vincent Macaigne, Veerle Baetens
Film Dominik Moll is an explosive mix of black humor, family-cinema, and even ecological thriller.
At the main character, Philippe (François Damiens, known for such hits as "Completely New Testament," or "We understand each other without words"), at one point falling all the ills of the world. He as befits a real man facing them and will do anything to cope with this difficult-challenge. She was the wife goes on mission and without notice tosses him into the care of their two children. Twelve year old son became a vegan and with interest begins to discover the secrets of sex. The daughter of a psychotic almost stubbornly preparing for upcoming exams in the company of annoying and an all-boyfriend. New collaborator Philippa can not cope with stress at work. Upset with the cleaver office smashes to pieces, cutting off the way half the ear of our main character. This black comedy thriller will happen when the executioner knocks on the door of the house of Philippe, that relief is only dream lewitacjach dressed as an astronaut. As if that was not enough - soon you will be the great love of a troublesome colleague from the time of his stay in a psychiatric hospital. The newcomers found a common language with his son and plans to launch an attack on the poultry processing plant.